Usage Examples
At the first glance LaunchBar appears to be just an inconspicuous little search tool. But under the hood it offers an outstanding feature set with countless possible uses. Here are just a few examples to demonstrate the power and the flexibility of LaunchBar.
Working with files and folders
- Type e.g. TED to select the TextEdit application
- Press Space (or Right Arrow) to access the recent documents of TextEdit
- Type ~ (the tilde sign) to quickly select your home folder
- Or type / (forward slash) to quickly select your boot volume
- Use the arrow keys keys to browse the contents of the selected folder or volume
- Type e.g. DESK to select the “Desktop” folder
- Now press Right Arrow to see all items on the Desktop
- Type another abbreviation to select one of these items
- Press Command-Shift-R to rename the selected item
- See the “File” menu for more file operations such as “Duplicate”, “Get Info” or “Move to Trash”
- Select a file (via abbreviation search, browsing, Command-G, etc.)
- Press Command-C to copy its file-path
- Select a folder
- Press Command-V to get a menu with possible file operations (Move, Copy, Make Alias, etc.)
- Use the up/down arrow keys or the function keys to select the desired file operation
- Press Command-G to transfer the current Finder selection to LaunchBar
- Press Tab to trigger “Send to…”
- Select the desired target application, type e.g. TED to select TextEdit
- Type e.g. MV to select the “Mounted Volumes” indexing rule
- Press Space (or Right Arrow) to get a list of all mounted volumes
- Press Command-E to eject the selected volume
Searching for items of a particular kind
- Select a category to sub-search it for an item of a particular kind
- Type e.g. PHN to search for a “Phone Number”
- Type e.g. TIFF to search for a “TIFF Document”
- Type e.g. IMFI to search for any kind of “Image File” (TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PDF, etc.)
- Type e.g. APHE to search for an “AppKit Header File”
- Once the desired category is selected, press Space and sub-search it by entering a further abbreviation
Browsing and searching the web
- Type e.g. SAHI to select the “Safari History” indexing rule
- Press Space to sub-search all recently visited web pages
- Type an abbreviation for the searched web page
- Type e.g. GEP to select the “Google Exact Phrase” search template
- Press Space and enter a phrase that you wish to search exactly with Google
- Press Return to get the search results displayed in your web browser
- Type a dot character to start entering an arbitrary URL
- Complete the URL
- Press Return to get the entered address opened in your default web browser
- Alternatively press Tab to select the desired web browser
- Type e.g. BF to select the “Bookmark Folders” category
- Press Space and select a particular bookmark folder
- Press Return to open all bookmarks within this folder at once
Interacting with Terminal
- Select a folder (via abbreviation search, browsing, Command-G, etc.)
- Press Command-T to open a new Terminal window for this folder
- Select a file (via abbreviation search, browsing, Command-G, etc.)
- Press Command-Shift-T to prepare a Terminal command for this file
- Type e.g. “cksum” to calculate the file’s checksum
- Type e.g. MAN to select the Unix “man” command
- Press Space to enter a parameter for the selected command, e.g. the name of the man page you wish to open
- Press Return to get the results displayed in a new Terminal window
Depending on your current configuration, some of the abbreviations suggested in the examples above may deliver different results. Just use somewhat longer abbreviations in that case, e.g. type
BOFOL instead of
BF in order to select the "Bookmark Folders" category.
Note also that once you’ve trained shorter abbreviations for your favorite items you will be able to use these shortcuts as well and type things like A<Space>NU to search for “Network Utility” within the “Applications” category.